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Certificate, commendation, award ceremony, ceremony, contest, auspicious background video 01
This is a series of auspicious background videos that can be used for awards, certificates, and ceremonies. This is a hig
This is the business that is resistant to the new coronavirus recession!
In this video, we will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the business against the new coronavirus, explain mainly
Interview with the World of ZONE, Professional Goalkeeper Kentaro Kei: Goalkeeper **** Part 4
Asking professional athletes, is there a relationship between living as a good person and being successful? What are the
English is such a simple course No.1, a story that allows you to speak English (for beginners) English is so easy
This is a course for people who start learning English from scratch. This is a simple English conversation course that wi
The day to become a butterfly: Coronavirus Olympic postponement... A health dojo where many people gather from overseas Cosmoport Interview with Dr. Fusae Yoshimaru, a message for the future from March 2020
Dr. Fusae Yoshimaru, the founder and representative of Enzymatic Health Dojo Cosmoport, which is visited by many people f
Breaking away from fiction, which leads to soul planning read from manga and anime
Strength, protection, self-defense, existence of soul, and soul are reincarnations, the air that creates the world, resea
Thinkers and business consultants talk about entrepreneurship, conditions for people who work independently and those who do not
I will talk about the conditions found after seeing thousands of business people and the future trends of economics and c
How to make the world's first discovery: Interview with Dr. Masaya Itokawa, a molecular biologist who discovered the dopamine gene for the first time in the world
What molecular biologists think between science and spirit, the visible and the invisible world. Why did Dr. Masanari It
Give and Take Psychology: Fear and trust make your life.
It has been written that any book should be given from ancient times, but this is not always the case in the world. Why
Freedom and stability don't make you happy Psychology Mental Gym The Change
Do freedom and stability make people happy? Can someone be happy by asking for something and getting or achieving it? I
Counseling course that creates infinite motivation: Mental Gym The Chage Theory 3.1
I am not motivated, I do not know my goals and goals, I am not motivated. I will tell you about the counseling method tha
Brain doctors and thinkers talk about how to be happy Part 6: People cannot live without a story
What supports the brain and heart to support life? Can a person live without God or any action guidelines? About heart s
Work Style Reform and Money Making Psychology Hobbies, Nerds, Money and Work: Private Mental Gym The Change
It is said to raise the country and reform work styles, but what is working in the first place? What is the future way o
Counselor training course 3: Why people cause problem behavior Psychology and how to create infinite motivation
Change theory 3 Learn about marking theory. Great people and people who have troubles are acting at the same root. Why do
How to get rid of what you know but cannot do Psychology: Why do people hesitate to act positively? Counseling Course Change Theory 1.1
Why cant a person know what their head is doing? Here you will find solutions and ideas about hated, criticism, bashing,
Psychology to understand why that person is a part 3 "Life Counseling" Counseling Program Mental Gym The Change
What is greed? What is the bottom of your life? How do you live? What should i do? Is there an answer to that? I will tal
Why is that person? Psychology to know what it is like 1 "Life Counseling" Counseling Program Mental Gym The Change
Why does that person act like that around you? Do you ever wonder why? You can see why and how to deal with them. In lif
Psychology to understand why that person is a part 2 "Life Counseling" Private Mental Gym The Change
Depression, spiritually visible person, gambling, DV, debt, arche, infidelity, marital relationship will be used as an ex
Is hyperactivity in ****ren ill? A good story to ask when you think ADHA
Is hyperactivity ill? A good story to ask when you think ADHA ・ADHD was not ill ・Can a ****s illness become an adults il
Psychology to read modern boredom, excitement, loneliness and despair: Mental Gym The Change
Why is that person? in a life consultation format: Psychology that understands modern boredom, excitement, loneliness, an
"Modern Psychiatric Light and Darkness" About the Real Reasons and Medicines That Depression Does Not Cure
Why has depression tripled in 20 years? I will talk about the relationship between psychiatry, economics, medicine and DS
Brain Doctors Talk 3: How to be happy through the mind, brain and spirit: Why can't I be happy even if I succeed or look for myself?
A neurological doctor, Dr. Kazutoshi Fukagawa, saw the forefront of the treatment of higher brain dysfunction, and is a m
Neurologists talk about how to live independently without isolation for hard-to-go people
How to live comfortably in your life, according to brain doctor Dr. Kazutoshi Fukagawa. This is a course that tells you
Counselor training course "Introduction" private mental gym The Change
In this course, we will introduce the general theory of Change theory modules 1 to 4 in the form of dialogues with exampl
Does liberation from money and labor make people happy? Psychology: Mental Gym The Change
Does liberation from money and labor make people happy? Psychology. Early Retirement, Unearned Income, Left Fan And Who
A good story to ask if you feel a cold in your mind: Private Mental Gym The Change
Private Mental Gym The Change representative Kenji Ogusu and Change Counselor Tomoya Katada will talk in a conversational
Counselor Training Course 1 "Theory That Can Not Be Falsified": Private Mental Gym The Change
The Change Theory is a psychological program that brings together all the knowledge of psychology, science, philosophy, t
Middle **** (history) ⑦ Heian period 1
The history of middle ****, the beginning of the Heian period. It was a time when the culture of aristocrats was brillian
Middle **** (English) question words ①
Middle **** English question words. It is what in 5W1H. If you put an interrogative in front, there are many people who g
Middle **** (English) be verb [question]
Middle **** English. Lets look at the be verb question. When answering, be careful about pronouns.
Middle **** (science) Ⅱ [biological] digestion and absorption
It is a second grader of science, digestion and absorption. Lets see where in the body and what kind of nutrition to take
Junior high **** (science) Ⅱ creature [blood circulation]
2nd year science in junior high ****. Blood circulation. How blood circulates throughout our body. Its important to know.
Middle **** (history) ⑥ Nara period
This is the history of middle ****. Lets look at the politics and culture of the Nara period.
Junior high **** (science) Ⅱ organism (cell)
It is a second-year science student in junior high ****. Lets look at the difference between plant cells and **** cells.
Junior high **** (be) verb past
English for middle ****, the past tense of the be verb. Pay attention to the subject and look at the past tense sentences
Junior high **** (English) be verb (currently plural)
Consider junior high **** English, be verb present tense, sentences with multiple subjects. We will compare it with the c
Junior high **** (English) be verb [current singular]
Middle **** English. the present form of the be verb. Lets look at how to use the be verb when the subject is singular. Y
Middle **** (mathematics) III development ②
This is the formula for the development of math in junior high ****, 3rd year. I will firmly remember it!
Middle **** (mathematics) I Positive number Negative number 1-①
Middle **** 1st grade, positive and negative numbers. Consider a negative number.
Middle **** (mathematics) III development ①
It is a development of the third year of mathematics in junior high ****. Lets see how to develop the basics.
Middle **** (English) General verb (past) ②
It is the past tense of general verb in English in junior high ****. Lets look at the question and negative sentences.
Middle **** (English) General verb (past) ①
This is the past tense of English general verbs for middle ****. Lets look at how to use the past tense of regular verbs.
Middle **** (mathematics) Ⅱ Monomial and polynomial 2
Second grade middle **** mathematics, monomial and polynomial calculations. Calculation of similar terms. Consider the po
Middle **** (mathematics) Ⅱ Monomial and polynomial 1
Second grade in mathematics. A description of monomials and polynomials. Lets look at the meaning of words such as simila
Middle **** (geography) Ⅱ Japan's figure ①
Junior high **** geography. Think about Japans location, time zones and date change lines.
Middle **** (geography) Ⅰ World figure ②
Middle **** geography. Look at latitude and longitude, latitude and longitude.
Junior high **** (geography) Ⅰ World figure ①
Junior high **** geography. World appearance. Look at the continent and the ocean.
Middle **** (Science) I Geology Volcano ③
It is earth science of the first grade of science of junior high ****. Lets look at the types of igneous rocks.
Middle **** (Science) Ⅰ Earth Science Volcano ②
Junior high **** science, second grade earth science. Learn the shape of the volcano.
Middle **** (Science) Ⅰ Earth Science Volcano ①
Earth science in the first year of science in junior high ****. Look at the volcanic products.
Middle **** (Mathematics) I Material ②
It is the utilization of materials for the first year of mathematics in junior high ****. We will look at representative
Middle **** (Mathematics) I Material ①
It is the utilization of materials for the first year of mathematics in junior high ****. Lets look at the histogram and
Junior high **** (math) ⅡprobabilityⅡ
Established mathematics for the second year of junior high ****. I will look at how the dice look.
Junior high **** (math) ⅠPositive number Negative number 1 負
Consider positive and negative numbers, absolute values and numbers in middle year mathematics.
Junior high **** (science) Ⅱ geology (weather map)
It is earth science of junior high **** second grader. Lets look at the weather map symbols. Eliminate mistakes in the wi
Junior high **** (science) Ⅱ earth science (low pressure / high pressure)
Junior high **** science. Lets look at the flow of atmospheric pressure in geology. High and low pressures. Its circulati
Middle **** (Science) Ⅱ Earth Science (Humidity and Temperature)
It is junior high **** science. I will look at the geology, humidity and temperature of the second grade in a table and a
Junior high **** (English) general verb (current)
It is the present tense of junior high **** English and general verbs. Master the basics.
Composition of junior high **** (Japanese) sentences
We will look at the relationship between the national language of junior high **** and the clauses of the sentence struct
Composition of junior high **** (Japanese) sentences 文 Sentence assemblyⅠ
The national language of junior high ****. Consider how to make a sentence.
Composition of junior high **** (Japanese) sentences ③ Assembling sentences Ⅱ
The national language of junior high ****. Structure of sentence. We will break up a sentence and see how to assemble it.
Composition of junior high **** (Japanese) sentences 文 Sentence components
We will look at the language of junior high **** and the composition of sentences. What are the components of a sentence?
Junior high **** (Japanese) Kanji and phrases
Kanji in the national language of junior high ****, the second bullet. He talks about the difference between Onyomi and K
Junior high **** (national language) kanji and phrases ① The origin of kanji
Learn the language of the junior high **** and the kanji. If you understand the meaning of Kanji, you can use it more.
Middle **** (mathematics) Ⅱ Probability ⑥
It is a problem of the math probability in the second grade of junior high ****. Here, we introduce the lottery and the p
Middle **** (history) ① Paleolithic period ~
It is the beginning of junior high **** history. Welcome to the world of history! Why not learn together with learn?
Middle **** (history) ③ Yayoi period ~
The third history learned in junior high ****. I am visiting the Yayoi period. How are you together?
Middle **** (history) ② Jomon period ~
I am visiting the history of junior high ****. Strolling through the Jomon period! How about with learn?
Middle **** (English) Passive ①
It is a passive sentence in junior high **** English. First, learn the basic shape. Lett try!
Middle **** (English) Passion ②
It is a sentence that is passive in junior high **** English. Where you want to be careful when rewriting. The rewriting
Middle **** (Science) Ⅱ Earth Science (Humidity)
Junior high **** science, humidity. Lets understand how to calculate humidity!
Junior high **** (science) Ⅱ earth science (dew point)
The dew point of junior high **** science and earth science. Run-run learning of water circulation!
Previous image therapy.
So-called "life therapy" is the full version of the session. The purpose of this work is that, let's help to solve the pr
C ****sis and suggestion to release anxiety ~
It is supervised by United States Certified ****the**** ****tic therapy work. Suggestion therapy goes to ease anxiety, C
Crawling English 0 (zero)-learning journey English
海外旅行の英会話を、初心者がつまずきやすい飛行機内の会話や入国審査の場面からしっかり学べる映像教材です。海外旅行が苦手なヒロシさんと好奇心いっぱいで明るい奥さんのケイコさんのストーリーで学びます。 誰もが旅先で出会い、必ず口にする厳選フ
English English crawling infants learn
Most fun for toddlers English DVD is now available! You can study English while enjoying with friends cute Yuri Cara "Mor
Mental trainer level 3 courses (accreditation certificate issued)
General Japan Japan psychology Academy
Is to control your own mind. It is a qualification will be able to keep the health state of mind in the body and the sam
"Feeling for her dog, a match! 』
Example of [title] ' matches the great escape! "The Grate Escape of the" Match" ☆ get this booklet to see your benefits
Notes to the 'spirited' my message notes
This laptop is because of sudden illness or be the case when the To tell you the important people in your family and your