Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
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Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
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The woman thinks guy posing ( ostentatious )?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Man is what will put the vanity just in women before, including a women thinks that vanity? The fact that Dr. Matsushita
About the busing of real
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Real ugly and what kind of person? We'll talk about that fact!
Ariel a city most dislike customers or any type of customer?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
都心の風俗で働く女の子はどんなタイプのお客さんが嫌がるのか? 嫌われないようにするにはどういうことを心がければいいのか? ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
コワモテ man's real character is any character?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
見た目が恐い人は世の中たくさんいます。 その見た目の人の本当の性格は優しいのか?それともそのまま恐いのか? ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
Truth and occult phenomena of spirit photography
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
最近ではインターネットでもたくさんオカルト現象や 心霊についての動画がたくさんあります。 果たしてその動画は真実なのか? 霊現象に詳しいドクター松下が検証します。 ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
Women think about the propensities of man?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
男はなにかしらひとつは性癖を持つという噂をよく耳にします。 女性は男の性癖についてどう思っているのか? また女性もなにかしら性癖があるのか? 性癖について松下一夫が語ります。 ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
Do you popular it among the woman to do? Also do not hate you.
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Popular among women tricks? Talk about how many women over 20 years and picked a fight doctor Matsushita popular among wo
Meat is good for the body? Bad?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
The meat has been discussed in terms of health. Meat is good for the body? Or bad? Dr. Matsushita says the health effects
How not to catch a cold.
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
A surprising reason for catching a cold. Dr. Matsushita will teach you the surprising reason.
About the television stations for the next landscape
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Future television station ****s is how it? Matsushita himself has talent doctor talks about how television landscape.
About career change
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Is want to get a rewarding job fun anyone come across a scene just urged the recruitment situation. What a career change?
About suicide
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
With Dr. Matsushita a serious countenance talks about the suicides follow a steadily increasing in recent years.
About the truth of Feng Shui
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Mainly women popular Feng Shui. Luck up in really really so said things up depending on color and placement of furniture?
Why unfortunate visitor-friendly Japanese foreign settlers?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Dream of living abroad. In many Japanese to the expatriate should have waited long for life is unhappy, there is. Talk re
Teach realism and detail about the strongest person in the fight.
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Matsushita Kazuo teaches that people like pistol fight realistically sprinkled with stories.
Teach real truth psychic taxi.
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Super heavy users of taxis Matsushita Kazuo often hear many ( ride late at night a young woman and see the backseat desti
For problem images make young posts
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Recently, images that young people post to twitter etc are partly problematic. Why do you do that? What is their psycholo
The friendship of women?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
The friendship of women? Women of the past and has been involved with Dr. Matsushita to talk about women's friendships wi
Inokashira Park boat ride, and is easy to farewell a couple of urban legends true?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Inogashira Park is urban legend boat ride the couple break up rumors. Is it true? Dr. Matsushita validates!
How do I learn that people can't act?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
There are a lot of people can't Act, but almost is not acting. Be ready what do I do? We explain the doctor and continuin
運 が もたらす こと は ? bring you luck? Their luck really strong?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
自分は運がいいのか?悪いのか? あまり良くない状況にいてもそれは自分の運が悪いのか? 本当の運の見極め方についてドクター松下が語ります。 ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
Do you herbivore it man has become the woman to do?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
草食系の男性は女性に興味がないのか? 草食系の男性についてドクター松下が語ります。 ※こちらはダウンロードのみの販売になります。
With a boyish haircut for women?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
女性のボーイッシュな髪形は似合う人は本当に似合います。 そのボーイッシュな髪型が似合う人が髪を伸ばしたら どういうふうになるのか? 実際のボーイッシュな髪型が似合う有名人の例を例えて ドクター松下が語ります。 ※こちらはダウンロ
How do I fountain fountain people it's not.
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
I don't like to be called fountain and stuff. Few people lose a motion is made. Fountain fountain people how it's gone? F
During use of the trains has Iran interrupts, etc how do I organize feelings?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Elements etc in interrupt or train bumped shoulders, eyes for variously developed trouble. Doing so organizes the feeling
How anyone can be a fake psychics
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
If it does how to phrase this person is Esper? Seems that way. How to believe it does that mean that supernatural powers?
About the psychic rap sound
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Suddenly rings in the House, which we hear weird sounds. It's the psychic rap sounds really? Or maybe just creaking sound
Why professional wrestlers are going to teach abroad is larger you come home?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Professional wrestlers are going abroad and practice body getting larger and larger will be back in Japan. Doing any exer
The compliance unit is really sure tastes good like blowjob?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Matsushita Kazuo has been involved with hundreds of Pornstar talks realistically.
AV industry's four largest and NG?
Group, Matsushita Kazuo Yamada SAMA (
Like to tell you clearly pissed 24 years of industry experience.