Unzen bamboo digital content stores

Meaning of Sen bamboo derived from:
Origin of the store name "SENCHIKU" (Immortals bamboo), we go straight from the small bamboo named Sen bamboo (sentik).

Handling commerce material we handle China, Asian drama, movies, documentaries, animated primarily.

Video is usually unobtainable taking advantage of our strengths more and more for the Japan market will continue to expand.

Japan translation of the content presented here, such as popular from what compliance is.
Anime toy even Immortals bamboo products in vending stores sales is also scheduled. Come and visit us.

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(No translation Japan) bridge, Sakae, SL

(No translation Japan) bridge, Sakae, SL


Unzen bamboo digital content stores

Drama & Movie

It is Taiwan famous writer white which Yong's novel the movie is based. 1998 Exhibition company: 亞洲 co., Ltd. Director Hu

Panda home-Crouching Dragon ( commentary is only Chinese )

Panda home-Crouching Dragon ( commentary is only Chinese )


Unzen bamboo digital content stores

**** Pets

Panda home-Crouching Dragon ( explained that only Chinese ) Crouching Dragon nature reserve was founded in 1963, with the

Kowloon introduction to Jiuzhaigou Groove ( commentary is only Chinese )

Kowloon introduction to Jiuzhaigou Groove ( commentary is only Chinese )


Unzen bamboo digital content stores

Drama & Movie

Fairy tale world named Jiuzhaigou ( explained that only Chinese ) 9 Jiuzhaigou is ABBA, Jiuzhaigou County Tibetan and Chi

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