Thever.03 [vm-0330]
Product Information of "Thever.03"
Motoyama Hiroshi, easy & quick introduction to latest electric reel

Deep even Ohki Toshihiro Omori catch doubling in Exchange! If you start a smelt fishing easy & affordable electric reel tackle recomendations. Clear and easy explanation by electric fishing reels fishing basics Motoyama h. multi Pro angler is on this DVD. Until the gimmicks people fishing in the introductory courses, balance the real fishing lure Tanaka took line & Omori from capturing alignment, now master fishing of a large boom. Ohki, Toshihiro-San explained differences between the Atari due to omole later. "Eh, replacing Aomori only, so catch different?
"And exactly what is the scales from the eyes.
A wealth of information, such as the introduction of the latest smelt growth law and useful goods too! [Surface whiteness the the the the the degree of how to the the]
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