Environmental issues Chorale
Star: | 木築朋美 小林寛子 永野百合香 |
Director: | 篠原明夫 |
Dealers: | Co., Ltd. Shinohara arts performance Office |
File: | mp4 |
Replay time: | About 54 minute |
Product Information of "Environmental issues Chorale"
****ren easily addressed environmental issues!
It is a nursery rhyme made sort of. 'Trash,' carrying a dioxin problem with global warming "Woods pumped says" 'bear's Garden' "fir tree" & "line continues as even where" to carrying ' Sky continue even where ' carrying pollution medaka no gakkou "****" of medaka closed', & carrying a "troika" ' Toro, squid and inshore fish ' delving into the health hazards "snowy so" to ride ' allergic device Koff ', preaching the necessity of dietary supplement of akahada 'atopic' carrying the Red-Nosed Reindeer"song, The toxic chemical problem 謳いました fun daily fear.
Popular item in the genre of "Education"
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